A) Import the website code

- upload files, contrib modules & themes, libraries to sites/yoursite.com inside the respective directories (ignore the settings.php file, it will not be needed)

B) Import the database

1. upload the database to the .tmp directory of the home folder:

           scp exampledb.sql username@yoursite.com:.tmp

2. drush sql-drop - This drops the tables on the existing database.

3. drush sqlc < path/to/exampledb.sql > - This imports the file into the database (run the command from sites/yoursite.com)

C) Rename the site twice

1. Migrate the site yoursite.com once to a temporary subdomain, such as sub.yoursite.com

2. Migrate again sub.yoursite.com to yoursite.com (Migrate basically renames a site)

3. The site is imported now.


How to navigate the directories with the command line:

cd to get to the home directory, don't use cd .. to get up to the home directory or you get a "no permission" warning

Clone a website

- Clone to a subdomain (sub.foo.com), not to a directory (foo.com/sub)

- Use the same platform (i.e. Drupal 7.37)

- There is a workaround to do if your files directory is more than 1GB (which probably isn't if you are reading these instructions!)

How to access the database with Chive (MariaDB equivalent of phpMyAdmin)

1. Login via SSH to your account first

2. Once logged in, type this command and hit Enter on your keyboard: 'ping -i 30 google.com'. It will run automatically every 30 seconds until you will log out or simply close the Terminal window. For as long as this command is run automatically, the system will grant you the access to the Chive Manager

3. Enter in the browser: https://chive.master.boa.ecobytes.net/ to access Chive Manager

4. In the login page enter the database user and password that you will find in the drushrc.php file which is in your wesite directory.

Further documentation

- Import your sites to Aegir in 8 easy steps: https://omega8.cc/import-your-sites-to-aegir-in-8-easy-steps-109

- How to use Chive Manager? https://omega8.cc/how-to-use-chive-manager-323

- The best recipes for disaster: https://omega8.cc/the-best-recipes-for-disaster-139


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